
电竞 内卷(电竞产业浮现内耗危机,行业发展需警惕内卷风险)

发布日期:2024-03-27 08:39    点击次数:72

电竞 内卷(电竞产业浮现内耗危机,行业发展需警惕内卷风险)










Internal competition in the eSports industry, which has become a new force in recent years in the entertainment, gaming, literary and other fields, has been on the rise. But as more and more electronic sports teams emerge in the market, a growing number of coaches, commentators and referees are also entering the field. In this environment, the industry is showing a "crowd-sourcing" phenomenon, with many competitors and CAREERS adopting nefarious means to protect their jobs or gain competitive advantage, even at the expense of basic moral standards, gradually weakening the trust, cooperation and positive atmosphere inside the industry.

Today, the eSports market has rapidly grown globally, but the risks of internal competition are still continuing to intensify. Although internal competition is rare among players, it does not mean that sport and professional tournaments are immune to such problems. Therefore, all related industries must remain vigilant to this issue and introduce more advanced cooperation and interaction methods to reduce the negative impact of disputes and competitions.

In order to avoid further negative consequences, the eSports industry needs to strengthen moral regulations, scientific and reasonable competition mechanisms and appropriate punishment systems. At the same time, education and training should be integrated into the industry's work, to improve the quality and workplace attitudes of professional athletes, make them more independent, self-reliant and harmonious, and can actively contribute to the healthy and prosperous development of the industry by eliminating internal consumption.


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